
06/08/2014 13:52

We got two today from Jinxy in an email.

1. In the shops this one is 33/1 or 34 and on betfairs its some at 40 and 42 and some at the bookies at 34.... made a nice average of around 37.......

2. In the shops this one i s 7 and on the blue of betfair its at 8.2........


1. So so easy this, my average of 37 was traded off at 23 long before the off for easy profits........drifting a bit again but who cares.....a nice £70 running went below 4, such an easy trade, from such a big price as well, its why Jinxy is the best.

2. I could only get 7 here and it went down to 4.4 and less for smaller amounts in running so got my £30 profit easily. +£30


+£100 for the day. Makes up for my cock up yesterday.



Yesterdays was a failry easy 30% trade, or should have been, I cocked up though and took a red, losing £22, annoying but these things happen.

