
05/07/2014 13:18

We get 3 from Jinxy to trade today,

1. In the shops this one is 5 and its 5.3 on betfair...............5.5 taken.....

2. In the shops you can have 4.5 and on betfair 5.1........missed the 6.2 but got 5.9...........

3 .In the shops this one is 5.25...........


1. Easy trade here with this one going below 2.9 in running. +£30 profit.

2. A lovely WINNER and a nice profit of £119

3. And another lovely WINNER and a nice lovely profit of £102

+£241 profit for the day.


Not to mention the 2/2 winners Jinxy gave us on the TRT selections.



