
05/09/2014 15:40

A nice early email from Jinxy today gives us two selections to trade on.......

1. In the shops at 4 and on betfair at 4.2...........knocked down to 3.13 because of the reduction factor......

2. In your shop at 8 and 9.4 on out to 17.5 and managed to get an average of 15........


1. Nice and easy here with this one WINNING for a nice profit and a win bonus of £108

2. This one is in to 9.8 hours before the off so its just a case of how much!!.......


A nice winner at 6 for the TRT selections, followed by one that traded from 5.5 to odds on.......nice so far on that front as well with one still to come, happy days. 

